This or That?

I live in New Hampshire where we get 10 000 000 000 harmless but extremely annoying winged insects every Spring. (Black fly season.) But few if any venomous snakes. So, yeah, the 10 000 000 000 harmless but extremely annoying winged insects for me.

Would you rather deal with 1 venomous insect or 10 000 000 000 harmless but extremely annoying snakes?
10 000 000 000 harmless but extremely annoying snakes.

Blue ringed octopus or black widow spider?
The blue ringed octopus because they’re supposed to be more intelligent than spiders, although it’s equally hard to carry on a meaningful conversation with either of them.

So how does one engage an eight legged entity in meaningful conversation?
Ask about its day. Pick your nose. Tell it some offensive jokes.

10 000 000 000 moths or one huge one who eats everything sugary and turns on all the lights at inappropriate times?
I don't smoke anything. I'm naturally full of zany ideas :D
With those kinds of numbers anything cold be zany even rabbits.

And so, 10 gazillion rabbits or just 1?
With those kinds of numbers anything cold be zany even rabbits.

And so, 10 gazillion rabbits or just 1?
Just 1.

Would you rather keep COVID or replace it with a virus that is physically harmless but reduces people's vocabulary to just the word 'nope'?

Would you rather your colleague at work be a terrifying but professional 8ft blue tarantula or a loud annoying human who constantly breaks things and is rude to everyone?
I've worked with both and would rather be retired.

Green Day or Blues Brothers?

Would you rather be an average blue collar workman or the world champion of nosepicking?
Happy New Year back.

Ask a question.

Fart or burp?
Last edited:
Uranus for obvious reasons

I offer you two bottles: Nope Soup or Rage Elixir. Which do you risk sampling?
Both, they're a complementary pair.

Planes or Trains?

You can have a small insignificant reward in private (say you find 50 cents on the ground) or you can annoy someone you hate by releasing 10 000 dobsonflies at their wedding. Which do you choose?
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