The continuing YouTube blues...

I don't know if it has anything to do with the upload times, but I notice that Firefox identifies all my uploaded videos with an https: URL, while IE9 identifies them with an http: URL.
There was something on the News today about Google changing the way you can respond to comments on You Tube yet again. It sounds like they've been stung by the negative reaction to the original changes and are going some way to remeday the situation. Don't hold your breath, though it's not a total climb down so I don't think they will fully restore the ability to comment and respond to comments on You Tube.

I was catching up with some of the comments on my videos for recent seasons and responding to them and there are some you still can't respond to on YT. Uke4ia you were one, so I just checked the "like" symbol to let you know I had read the comment and would have responded if I could.
new development

new comments aren't showing for me in the google plus thingy - the bell - whatever the blazes it is at the top of the youtube page


unless i notice the number of comments on a vid has jumped up - which i just might do with a vid i've just posted, but i'd be none the wiser with anything older - i won't know if someone has commented


if i don't bat back the repartee over on youtube IT'S BECAUSE I DON'T EVEN KNOW THE REPARTEE IS EVEN THERE

That's happening to me today, too. If it keeps up over several days, you can use the analytics feature to look at comments over the past week or so, and you'll see if there's anything new.
That's happening to me today, too. If it keeps up over several days, you can use the analytics feature to look at comments over the past week or so, and you'll see if there's anything new.
well i'm glad it's not just me, at the same time that i am sorry it's other people! if you see what i mean!

thanks for the tip - i went to check it out, and i see youtube has put another thing, it says it's new, over on the left of the page if it's gonna show - maybe on one's channel page or dashboard? - anyway it says "coments", you can see comments there, but for heavens sake the only redeeming feature of google plus WAS the fact that it would flag up new comments nice and clear and easy for you - IF IT CAN'T EVEN DO THAT WHAT ON (google ;) ) EARTH IS IT GOOD FOR???

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