Hi, my name is Lulu, I am a rosy maple moth. Ask me anything.


Well-known member
Oct 3, 2021
Reaction score
Lulu, why do I feel empty and, yes, lonely when I'm not near my ukuleles?
Lulu, why do I feel empty and, yes, lonely when I'm not near my ukuleles?
Because life is hard with a plague going on, and ukuleles make you happy. We understand, Voran gets the same way when she can't play the ukulele.
Lulu, why don't I play Ukulele enough?
Dear Lulu, what is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Dear Lulu,

When do the Swallows return to Capistrano? And, do Swallows eat Rosey Maple Moths? And, do you plan on visiting Capistrano anytime soon?
I don't know and yes, swallows eat us. But they usually can't catch me.
Lulu, Lulu, Plush and rosy,
How does your maple grow?
Lulu, would you please tell your extended family to stop eating my wool sweaters?
I tried but they never listen to me. I make fun of them all the time for eating people's clothes but they never get the hint.
Hi Lulu.
I hope that you can answer a question that has puzzled me for many years...

I have a fish tank/aquarium. Naturally the fish are surrounded by water...

Why don't they look wet???

I eagerly await your answer...Thank You
Hi Lulu.
I hope that you can answer a question that has puzzled me for many years...

I have a fish tank/aquarium. Naturally the fish are surrounded by water...

Why don't they look wet???

I eagerly await your answer...Thank You
Light doesn't rebound off them the same way. You notice wet surfaces in air because there's something for them to contrast with...other things nearby aren't wet.
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