Folk songs from Brno


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2011
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Praha - Czech Republic
Brno is the city in the Czech Republic. It has been located in a distinctive musical region since ancient times.
That is why urban folklore mixed with rural music from the surrounding area of Brno and created beautiful folk songs.

for 8 string ukulele
Songs: Vseci lidi pravijo 00:00; Treba so ja malinka 00:47; Ruzicko cervena 01:10; Pred te nase dolinecka 01:41; Dyz pudu na travu 02:15; Jen, synecko, veske 02:44;
for Baritone ukulele

Songs: Vseci lidi pravijo 00:00; U nasi je zahradecka 00:25; Treba so ja malinka 00:42; Synecku muj 01:10; Sil bech k vam 01:31; Ruzicko cervena 01:58; Pomoz, Boze 02:28; Na osice 02:47; Ma mila mne vepovida 03:19; Ho Bohonic 03:41; Deckys te mne rikaval 04:00; Debe prodavale 04:25; Aj, ta Lisen stara 04:55; arr: Ondrej Sarek
for Ukulele with Low G
Songs: Zabil jest Matosek 00:00; Velet, vtacko 00:26; Ten prscicke zamek 00:56; Synecku, synecku 01:18; Stupaj, stupaj 01:33; Sem synek chudobny 02:00; Pred tim nasim domkem 02:25; Nad Hajany 02:40; Ma panenko malicka 03:03; Jen, synecko, veske 03:29; Dyz pudu na travu 03:56; Des sem ja k me mile 04:27; At vcera bela nedela 04:46; Anicko z Tena 05:13;
you're a beast, brother.
thank you for the beautiful arrangements you share here.
your number 1 fan in Tasmania
for Ukulele with Low G
Songs: Zabil jest Matosek 00:00; Velet, vtacko 00:26; Ten prscicke zamek 00:56; Synecku, synecku 01:18; Stupaj, stupaj 01:33; Sem synek chudobny 02:00; Pred tim nasim domkem 02:25; Nad Hajany 02:40; Ma panenko malicka 03:03; Jen, synecko, veske 03:29; Dyz pudu na travu 03:56; Des sem ja k me mile 04:27; At vcera bela nedela 04:46; Anicko z Tena 05:13;

I just loved the first melody. It must be a lullaby?
for Timple Canario
Songs: Zabil jest Matosek 00:00; Vseci lidi pravijo 00:19; Za ten cele teden 01:17; Treba so ja malinka 01:33; Sil bech k vam 01:59; Sama sem nerada 02:27; Ruzicko cervena 02:56; Pomoz, Boze 03:28; Ma mila mne vepovida 04:01; Dyz pudu na travu 04:27; Deckys te mne rikaval 04:58; Debe prodavale 05:25; Aj, ta Lisen stara 06:03;

for Cavaquinho Portugues

Songs: Ho Bohonic 00:00; Kamaradko verna 00:21; Ma panenko malicka 00:52; Na to rozloceni 01:23; Nad Hajany 01:53; Pred tim nasim domkem 02:18; Ruzicko cervena 02:37; Sama sem nerada 03:10; Sem synek chudobny 03:40; Sil bech k vam 04:06; Ten prscicke zamek 04:31; Treba so ja malinka 04:57; Vseci lidi pravijo 05:22; Zabil jest Matosek 06:02; Zeleny rozmaryn 06:32; arr: Ondrej Sarek

These are wonderful. I’m just stopping in to post an unnecessary Encanto gag. As you were.

for Ukulele with hi D
Songs: Debe prodavale 00:00; Cich je to loka 00:33; Deckys te mne rikaval 01:11; Na osice 01:38; Sil bech k vam 02:12; Sama sem nerada 02:36; Pomoz, Boze 03:05; Zabil jest Matosek 03:37;
There's a beautiful sadness in the first few melodies. They all have a distinctive European sound. I've always been intrigued by music's ability to convey emotion and, as you've displayed, ethnicity too.
I enjoyed your playing.
There's a beautiful sadness in the first few melodies. They all have a distinctive European sound. I've always been intrigued by music's ability to convey emotion and, as you've displayed, ethnicity too.
I enjoyed your playing.
Thanks for feedback. I'm glad you like the songs. I like to show others folk songs from Central Europe. Also, these songs are from my hometown.
The first three songs are about an unhappy love.
for Octave ukulele

Songs: Vseci lidi pravijo 00:00; Ten prscicke zamek 00:24; Za ten cele teden 00:44; Pred tim nasim domkem 01:06; Zeleny rozmaryn 01:24; Dyz pudu na travu 01:45; arr: Ondrej Sarek

for Octave ukulele

Songs: Vseci lidi pravijo 00:00; Ten prscicke zamek 00:24; Za ten cele teden 00:44; Pred tim nasim domkem 01:06; Zeleny rozmaryn 01:24; Dyz pudu na travu 01:45; arr: Ondrej Sarek

These are lovely, Ondrej. Thanks for posting them. Terrific instrument!
Folk songs from Brno for Ukulele

Songs: Zeleny rozmaryn 00:00; Zabil jest Matosek 00:25; Za ten cele teden 00:41; Vseci lidi pravijo 01:04; Velet, vtacko 01:24; U nasi je zahradecka 01:58; Treba so ja malinka 02:17; Ten prscicke zamek 02:43; Synecku, synecku 03:07; Ten lisenske zamecek 03:22; Synecku muj 03:41; Stupaj, stupaj 04:00; Sil bech k vam 04:30; Sem synek chudobny 04:46; Sama sem nerada 04:58; Ruzicko cervena 05:14; Pred tim nasim domkem 05:30; Pred te nase dolinecka 05:48; Pomoz, Boze 06:07; Nad Hajany 06:25; Na to rozloceni 06:50; Na osice 07:16; Ma panenko malicka 07:51; Ma mila mne vepovida 08:18; Kamaradko verna 08:39; Jen, synecko, veske 08:55; Ho Bohonic 09:10; Dyz pudu na travu 09:29; Des sem ja k me mile 09:57; Deckys te mne rikaval 10:16; Debe prodavale 10:30; Cich je to loka 10:49; Bosonoska maja tenka 11:28; At vcera bela nedela 11:51; Anicko z Tena 12:12; Aj, ta Lisen stara 12:25; arr: Ondrej Sarek

(They are all songs from my book.)

for iUke

Songs: Ma mila mne vepovida 00:00; Sama sem nerada 00:21; Synecku, synecku 00:49; Nad Hajany 01:13; Dyz pudu na travu 01:36; arr: Ondrej Sarek

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